
1001 Free FontsPretty self explanatory. Pay attention to the usage guidelines though. Not all fonts can be used for commercial work. (This is typically true of any site offering free…

Genre Dive: Horror (Or 5 Comics for Your Reading Discomfort)

Note: I have provided content warnings when the comics have presented them. Unmarked comics may also contain disturbing material as I have not completely read these comics. Proceed at your…

Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy

Creator: Cody Fernandez + OthersURL: https://ironversecomics.comTwitter: @cowboy_steelPatreon: Content Warning: Violence, Drugs, Language. Synopsis“An immortal man with memories of prior reincarnations wanders through Galactic Armageddon seeking Freedom, and Purpose.”

January Update

The following links have been added to the appropriate pages: Lettering Comic Books & Manga in Procreate [Video Tutorial] – Watch on YouTubeRainy Day Dreams [Comic] – Visit SiteGlobal Comix…

Cosmic Dash

Creator: David DavisURL: https://www.cosmicdash.comTwitter: @hpkomicKo-Fi: Synopsis“Cosmic Dash is a webcomic with science fiction and space opera influences that updates every Saturday. The comic deals with a massive galaxy called…

Rainy Day Dreams

Creator: Mariah CurreyURL: @RainyDayMariahPatreon: Synopsis“Rainy Day Dreams is a queer-friendly, character driven story about relationships, monsters, and defeating evil with kindness (and also sometimes swords cuz swords…

West Parousia

Creator: Alexander TrappURL: @itsatrappproKo-Fi: Synopsis“West Parousia stars my main characters, Camille Ulane (pronounced U-Lane, like a car making a U-turn) and Layla Hester. These two girls come…

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M. Sorcier in 50 Questions or Less

Today we have an excellent and informative chat with M. Sorcier, creator of Sacrimony and a number of other neat projects. Read through and check out the links! It will…

Magnetic North

Creator: Kat GemmillURL: @MagNorthComicPatreon: Synopsis“Magnetic North is a comic about being alive. Really. That’s it. No dragons, no robots, no creepy doppelgangers, no werewolves, no tears into…